What to Consider When Designing a Shop Front

Shop Front Design

A good Shop Front Design captures the interest of people passing by, enticing them into your business. It reflects the quality of your products or service, tells a story about your brand and invites customers to enter, linger and spend money. But the design of your exterior is a complex issue with many things to consider.

Street Rhythm

Shop fronts should fit into the overall character of the area in which they are situated. In town centres this might mean that the design should reflect traditional styles and materials. On listed buildings or in historic areas a more prescriptive approach may be required.

Clear and easy-to-read signage is a key feature of effective shop fronts. It’s important to use contrasting colors to prevent text from blending in with the surrounding colors or materials.


Compelling window displays are an essential part of a shop front. Bakeries, fromageries and food stores arrange their products in mouthwatering displays to lure passers-by in for a taste.

Other permanent features such as awnings, potted plants and retail display are important in helping a shop to stand out on the high street. A beautifully made door, bespoke ironmongery and an interesting door handle all add a sense of quality and add to the character of a building. It’s important that any projects or changes to shop front designs are sympathetic to the architectural style of the building and that the details are carefully considered and well executed.

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